Episode 127: The Hardest Lesson Learned with Justin Donald

The Profit First REI Podcast

November 7, 2022

David Richter


Time is without a doubt one of our most important resources, but how we spend it often doesn’t get the consideration it deserves. Time is a finite asset we pull from for every single activity we do in our lives, from lifestyle to work, and like any resource, we should be smart about how we invest it.

Our guest today is an expert on the subject. Justin Donald is the author of The Lifestyle Investor, a book all about finding balance between work and personal time, and investing with an emphasis on achieving the lifestyle you want.

His entire philosophy on putting lifestyle first has a fantastic intersection with the Profit First method’s focus on making sure that the owner-investor gets their share. Tune in!

Key Takeaways:

[00:43] Justin Donald

[02:29] The First Commandment: Lifestyle First

[06:35] Why People Live With the Intentionality of Putting Themselves First

[10:17] On the Money Struggles Justin Has Experienced

[14:22] On the Lion Logo on His Book

[18:06] Money Mindset to Pass on to His Children 

[22:00] Justin Donald’s Keys to Success

[28:08] The Hardest Lesson Justin Has Learned

[30:36] How Listeners Can Provide Value Back to Justin


[03:36] “For me, the whole purpose of life is to be in control of your time, to be a time billionaire, to really buy your time back and spend it in a way that you see fit.”

[13:33] “You’re just a mindset shift away from this abundant place, this opportunity of never running out and having more than you can ever use.”

[26:12] “The more you hang out with people that are bigger thinkers, you’re just naturally going to become a bigger thinker.”

Connect with Justin: 

Get a free copy of his book:

Buy a copy: The Lifestyle Investor: The 10 Commandments of Cash Flow Investing for Passive Income and Financial Freedom


Tired of living deal to deal? 

If you are a real estate investor or business owner who is tired of living deal to deal, and want to double your profits, head over here to book your no-obligation discovery call with me. Either myself or someone from my team will hop on a short call with you to get clear on your business goals, remove any obstacles holding you back, and map out a game plan to help you finally start keeping more of the money you work so hard to make. – David.


Justin Donald:

When you get to this place of not holding on so tight and being willing to learn the lessons along the way, that there’s a compounding effect there and it’s just a different place to live where you’re gonna have more opportunities, you’re gonna track more opportunities into your life.


If you’re a real estate investor who’s sick and tired of living deal to deal, then welcome home. Hear from everyday real estate investors just like you, and discover how they’ve completely transformed their business by taking a profit First approach. This is the Profit first for REI podcast where we believe revenue is vanity, Profit is sanity. It’s time to start making profit a habit in your business. So here’s your host, David Richter.

David Richter

Man, we have an awesome one. Today we are talking with Justin Donald, the author of The Lifestyle Investor, which if you’ve never read this book, it’s the cool one with a lion on the front. So if you have read this book, it probably stood out to you. And if you haven’t read this book, it’s very easy to recognize it. It’s a bestseller across all the platforms. He’s sold over a hundred thousand copies of this witch being in the book world. I know how difficult that is. But in this episode it gets deep. It goes into what is a time billionaire and how do you get to that place in your life. Talks about his nine-year-old daughter and how that was a catalyst for writing the book and how he passes on the education to her and why, what the whole point of his book was.

And it gets very, very interesting from there as well too because he tells where the proceeds of where the book go because the lifestyle investor is all about getting you out of your rat race and getting into more of a lifestyle of that you love. And then it’s awesome what he tells that all the proceeds of the book go towards. Then he talks about thinking time and that process of how that’s actually helped him put more money in his pocket. So I am super excited for you to listen to Justin. This is a great episode with him and hopefully you enjoy it. Hey everyone, we have him here. We have Justin Donald. A lot of you might know him from his book, The Lifestyle Investor. So Justin, thank you so much for being on here today on the Profit First II podcast.

Justin Donald:

David, I’m excited to be here. Thanks for having me. And I love all the things that you’re doing. The concept of Profit first and the mechanics of how to get there, I think you’re doing great work in the world and having a positive impact. So I appreciate joining and being able to talk about the importance of this concept.

David Richter

Likewise, because in your book you talk about the 10 Commandments of the Lifestyle investor, which is amazing and I want to talk about that first commandment is putting the lifestyle first, making sure, and I think there’s a lot of similarities if you agree between Profit First, making sure that the owner is taken care of and making sure at the beginning that you’re creating the lifestyle from your investments that really create that. So I know we’re just diving right into it, but I’ve been chomping at the bit to ask you these questions. So tell me about that. How did you come up with the 10 Commandments and then talk about that first one because I think it just encapsulates a lot of who you are and how you think.

Justin Donald:

Well, thanks for the kind words and I’m excited to share with you kind of my thought process around it. And the order is important. The reason I start off with the lifestyle investor is that’s good or the book is called The Lifestyle Investor is because I want it to be about the journey of lifestyle, not the journey of investing. And the first commandment being lifestyle first. I want it to support the whole purpose of the book. And for me, the whole purpose of life is to be in control of your time, to be a time billionaire, to really buy your time back and spend it in a way that you see fit using the gifts you’ve been blessed with, the passions that you have in as much quantity of relationship with those that you value most or have the deepest connections with. So yeah, I think the lifestyle portion of it is really important.

And the whole premise of the 10 Commandments for basically the subtitle, the book is The 10 Commandments of Cashflow Investing for Passive Income and Financial Freedom. And these 10 commandments are my criteria. It’s what I look at when I make an investment. So if all them light, if they line up and it’s a 10 for a 10, then I know that that is an investment I want to do. It supports my criteria. Now my criteria might be different than someone else’s, but if you have no criteria, it’s definitely a good place to start. And for me, I believe the foundation of anyone’s portfolio really should be cash flow to cover your lifestyle <affirmative> or at least cash flow to cover your survival income. What does it cost bare minimum for you to survive? You do that, I think you’re gonna be in an incredible head space and you can buy at least some time back to be able to think about long-term what you want and get out of this autopilot of being in a reactionary mode where something happens, you respond.

Most people are just on autopilot through their day a life that is more by default than it is by design. And I wanna help people create this intentionality around what do they want outta life, what do they want out of their relationships? If money was solved for how would you spend your time? So the 10 Commandments were distilled down after looking at a bunch of my investments after the fact and saying, What is it that is in alignment and is the same across the board on each of these investments? And so that’s really where it came from, is starting with the end in mind. The end is the lifestyle that I dream to have and for my family, the lifestyle that we collectively get to have. And then it’s working through the process from there to find the investments that can support that ideal lifestyle.

David Richter

I think that’s why we resonate so much with each other cuz that is a lot of, in the business world and the especially real estate investing world, a lot of people don’t even think of themselves first of I need to make sure that this is fits in with who I am and with what we’re doing. So when you say that a lot of people don’t live with that intentionality, I ask a lot this a lot of times, I only word it a little bit differently in the real estate world, a lot of people live deal to deal, they’re living paycheck to paycheck, but now it’s deal to deal. I need to go get that next deal or I’m out of control or I’m finding fires, I’m not in control of my time. Why do you think a lot of people don’t live with that intentionality or don’t or do live deal to deal or paycheck to paycheck or don’t get off that merry ground ever?

Justin Donald:

Well I think the examples that we have, the majority of people in the society that we live in value this transactional relationship, this trading time for money relationship, getting ahead, moving up the corporate ladder, getting a pay raise getting a better title, having a better job, having a better car or house or whatever the thing is. And I think the danger of that is we can become slaves to the money that we make slaves to the income that we have or that we’re accustomed to or the lifestyle that we’re accustomed to. So as this quality of life increases so does the I guess, dependence on where the income comes from and from the job. And I also think if you don’t fall into that bucket of being a slave to your business or to your job, some people they fall into the bucket of being a slave to certainty and security.

Other people are a slave to maybe routine and what’s normal. They’re afraid to get out of their comfort zone or out of the lane that they know what everything is gonna happen to ’em over the course of a day. And so I just see a lot of people living a life that is not compelling, it’s not inspiring, it’s just, hum, let me go about my day. It’s the same thing I’ve done the last 10, 20, 30 years. And I just think that when people can solve for this equation of money, it costs me $5,000 a month to live or $10,000 a month to live, but I can earn passive income to cover five or 10 or 20 or whatever that number is. Well that opens up this door of amazing choices and when you have more choices, you have better opportunities. And for most people it takes this financial comfort, everything being covered before they can carve out the time to really think to what I learned a long time ago from Keith Cunningham is to block off think time in my schedule.

So every Friday I’ve got two hours that are technology-free, everything’s off. I just think, and that has given me a chance to be proactive, not reactive, to get out of the reactionary mode of life. And I think for most people they don’t carve that place in life until money’s solved for, I don’t think you have to wait till money’s solved for, but most people just have a hard time of creating that space first. So for them, they probably do need it to be solved, to get to where they need to live this life that is truly a life of desire and passion and spending it on the things they truly love and with the people they truly love.

David Richter

Oh man, I love that. Love the Keith Cunningham references too. I mean I love the Road Less Stupid. It’s probably one of the top three business books I’ve ever read, including yours of course, and the one that I’ve wrote. So I absolutely love Keith’s book If listening to this now and haven’t picked up that book Pick Up the Road Less Stupid by Keith Cunningham, he talks about what Justin was just talking about, thinking time and how important that is. You wanna know why Justin’s probably very successful in getting this message out because he thinks about how to get it out there. So absolutely love that, Justin. There were some great tips there and I think this is what everyone’s shooting for. It is why they’re living deal to deal. They just don’t set that time aside to say, How do I get there? What do I need to do to actually get past that point? So I wanna ask you personally, have you had money struggles in the past or been in that low point of where you felt like, Oh man, I just wish I could have lived that next day. Or is there a silver lining to the great clouds outside?

Justin Donald:

Yeah, and I think that my story is very relatable by most people because I had to work for what I had. I got started working in seventh grade because my parents basically said, Hey there is no Bank of Donald, you gotta go make your money. You can’t just rely on us to give you money. So seventh grade I got my first job because I wanted to create some freedom and do some things and have some cash. So I’ve been at a point where I’ve had no money, I’ve also been at a point where I made good money and I spent it all. So I once again had no money. I’ve been at a point where I had a lot of money and I’ve made some poor choices with it. Maybe in some instances poor investments, in other instances maybe I overextended myself. And so it’s been tight.

And then I’ve also lived in this place where I’ve had plenty and where I have been disciplined and where I’ve lived out of this frame of abundant thinking where I just know I’m gonna be able to earn more to solve for whatever it is that I need and I’m not worried about it, I’m worried the worry goes away when you recognize that, when you add enough value, gonna receive compensation. And I do think motive matters. It can’t just be, I mean if you want an equal transactional relationship, I mean you can make that happen. But I think as a person gives of themselves, of their knowledge, of their tools, of their resources, of their network the experience that I’ve gotten is even short term when there wasn’t a benefit on the other side or it wasn’t a reciprocal thing over time, people just really wanna help out when you’ve helped them, they wanna help you.

And I see this play out over decades longer where I forgot that maybe I spent time with someone or shared something or connected them. I have a vague memory or no memory at all, but they wanna say thank you and it’s like, Hey, I got this deal, I wanna show it to you. Or Hey, I need you to meet this person cuz I think they’re a perfect fit for what you’re looking for. And it’s often very serendipitous the way that it all works out. But I think when you add a lot of value and that’s your mission, I think you’re going to inherit a lot of abundance. And for those people that have never had money problems, it’s, it’s a very small percentage of people. I mean maybe if you had the experience of parents that had a trust fund that maybe had some flexible ways of getting cash.

I mean even a lot of kids or people that have trust funds, there’s still these mechanics that don’t allow them access to the capital until a certain age. So most people have this struggle of cash coming in, having enough cash to cover what it is that they need, but you’re just a mindset shift away from this abundant place, this opportunity of never running out and having more than you can ever use. And I think that your relationship impacts that. Your network, the people, your peer group, your mentors, like your relationships with people, I think impact that more than anything else.

David Richter

Man, that was so good that, I don’t know if you have that as a one-liner, but you need to trademark that or something. That mindset shift away your one mindset shift away from abundance. Man, that struck a chord with me. Just if you’re listening to this now, you are one mindset shift away from getting everything that you wanted to get. Whether that is more time freedom, money freedom, whatever, it’s that whatever you are, wherever you are is your one mindset shift away. That was really good. So I’ve got a random question for you, The lion, where did it come from? The logo?

Justin Donald:

Yeah, so one of the things that I wanted to do is I wanted to involve my family in a lot of my decisions. I’ve got a daughter who is nine years old today and the whole genesis of the lifestyle investor, the whole reason I wrote this book because I’ve had friends for years telling me I should write a book and I should come up with a mastermind and have a course and do all this stuff. And I’ve just kind of kicked the can down the road. Never really been committed to it, thinking maybe at some point in my life I would. But I had a really dear friend say to me Justin, what happens if you die and your daughter never learns all these great tools and resources and hacks and this wisdom from a financial and life standpoint, freedom and everything else, what happens?

And that was really a punch to the gut. So the next day I started writing and that’s really what gave me the motivation to do it. So it was more of a legacy piece. I didn’t know if people would buy my book. I didn’t know if people would resonate with my message. So I just took this I drew confidence from the fact that hey, my daughter at some point will read this when she’s older and I hope that it means something to her. I hope it’s important to her. And little did I know that the future iterations of the book would incorporate more things that I’ve done with coaching private clients and different mastermind and all that. And again, I had no idea the first year the book came out, we sold a hundred thousand copies, not even counting like bulk buys or anything like that.

I mean I could have never guessed it, I never would’ve guessed that fit that it would be a number one best seller on all the platforms. And so that came as a shock, a surprise. But in the process, to circle back, to answer your question, in the process of coming up with the logo my daughter and I were reading The Lion, the Witch, Well actually we are reading the Chronicles of Narnia set. So we read, I think it was seven books. And so one of the main characters in Lion Witch in the wardrobe specifically, which we were in right then was Aslin the Lion and the representation of who Aslin was and the meaning there my daughter just felt like that would be a really cool logo. And so I just rolled with it. And so the lion I think has special meaning for us.

And then what has happened since is that people get incorporated into the lifestyle investor network, they become a lion. So if someone is part of the mastermind or a private client which is a long wait list for both, but they are lions inside the network and to have access to all the things, the people, the deals, the experts that’s kind of that tribe of lions. So yeah, it’s kind of a fun thing. My goal is to take people who are not lifestyle investors and convert them to lifestyle investors. And in order to do that, they need to show up and get in the network and become a lion and learn what they need to learn so they can graduate and officially become a lifestyle

David Richter

Investor. Man, that is really good. I love that. I knew, I knew it probably just wasn’t, oh this’ll look cool and you slapped it on there, but cuz it does look very cool and very, very high end and I love all that cuz one of the questions I usually ask people is what do you want to leave as a legacy to your children or what mindsets around money do you want to give them? And I’m assuming your answer would be pick for her to pick up your book and to make sure she’s living by those 10 commandments. Would that be what you would want for her to be passed on for the future and for your legacy?

Justin Donald:

Yeah, certainly. To me the most important thing is the financial education. I actually think money is likely to corrupt someone more than it is to help them. But the tools and concepts around how to think about it, how to earn money, how to value money, how to value your time and comparison to money, I think that is really the wisdom. So I actually don’t want to create this situation where my daughter has an abundance of money at a super young age. I don’t know that that serves her very well, but the education on how she can achieve it for herself and how she can utilize some of the strategies that I’ve utilized. How she can create a soup up whole life program that’s like a bank replacement and use that how she can get into cash flowing, real estate, what you guys do, how she can get into other assets that produce income and appreciate in tandem with the expansion of the monetary supply.

All these things I think are so valuable. She can get out of this framework of scarcity around money and feeling like money doesn’t grow on trees. What a disempowering belief about money that I used to have that my parents told me that I walked around and told people that I’m like, why do I even say this? This is the silliest thing in the world. I actually want to be at the point where money flows abundantly to me. So I think Tony Robbins even says one of his incantations is how money flows abundantly in avalanches to him and something to that degree. And I felt like that’s just such a better place to live in. And so that’s what I want to teach my daughter and others in my community or others that wanna learn the lessons. Because when you’re in a place like that, it’s easier to learn concepts, it’s easier to recognize that there’s a lot to learn versus showing up. You already know everything or that your reality is the actual reality and recognizing that your projections may not be what the real world is. Most of us project our reality and it’s based on faulty beliefs most of the time. And we inherit these beliefs from people that we often don’t even opt into or we subconsciously opt into. And it’s kind of recreating what is actually possible and what is realistic,

David Richter

Right? It is waking up, it’s like waking up from oh yeah, you know what, it doesn’t grow on trees but I want it to fall in avalanches. It’s like I love that it’s that mental shift of from those things that you think about money to where you are now, which is another thing that I love that you brought up. It’s more around the thought process around money than the actual money accumulation. Because like you said, if you’re not a very good person, money’s probably going to just expand that. But if you learn the proper principles of life investing and of money, then those grow as your money grows. And I absolutely love that. That was really, really good stuff. So you are an accomplished author, you are also, you know, train people, you do a lot of, you’re helping people live the lifestyle investor life and actually getting them to where they need to be. They’re becoming the lions, the lions, just like the logo on your book. What would you say over the last, I guess your lifetime since you’ve gone on this journey is one or two keys to your success in creating this and perpetuating it and getting it this message out there.

Justin Donald:

Well one of the things that I say at the end of my podcast every session is I ask my audience, what’s the one step you can take today to move towards financial freedom in a life by design, not by default, a life by your own terms and something that is inspiring and compelling. And so the first thing is just over time, if you have more movement towards your goals, your dreams, financial freedom, ideal lifestyle if you’re just moving that direction with regularity and even if they’re baby steps, it’s okay because there will be a compound effect that happens at a certain point in time versus doing nothing or taking steps away from it. And so it doesn’t have to be a lot of steps. It could be a simple like, hey, invite someone out to coffee who knows more about investing or lifestyle. Maybe they got just a killer lifestyle or an upgraded lifestyle from yours, or maybe they’ve figured out some hacks in the world of investing, take ’em out to coffee.

That is what’s it gonna cost you 10 bucks and do you treat ’em? I think that’s important. And you know, show that you value them for their time. What if you did that once a week? I had a routine of that. That was part of what I did for the whole stretch of a decade plus is I met with one person, well at least one person often was more, but at least one person once a week, week that I didn’t know that had success in some area that was greater than mine. And by the way, at a certain point in my life it was health, it was time management, it was lifestyle, it was financial, it was business, it was entrepreneurship. It’s shifted. But if I can, and this leads to my second point, which is your peer group and your mentors and coaches today we live in a world where everyone is a coach or a life coach, right?

It just doesn’t have the meaning that it once had. I think you gotta pick your coaches wisely and if they haven’t done what you wanna do, they may not be the right person to coach with. So you gotta get real clear on what it is you want and get real clear if the person you’re potentially coaching with has done it or the mentor that you’re gonna work with. I think that’s so important. And then from a peer group standpoint, you become the people you hang out with whether you care to admit it or not. I mean the studies show that so much of mindset, so much of income earning potential and possibility health you name it is really in alignment or in tandem with the five people that you spend the most time with. So if you’re intentional about who you’re spending time with and you’re intentional about a group that is playing the game of life or business or investing at a level that’s higher or more optimized, then your level, then you’re likely gonna move up regularly and you’re gonna adopt this mindset that you may not even feel happening in real time.

It’s a new conditioning of a better and more improved operating system for your mind.

David Richter

I love that because I don’t know about you, but how you end your podcast with the, what’s the one step you can take if most people took that one step and got around the people that have been where they are, that’s usually taking one step that leads you to 10 steps down the road if, do you agree with that, that sometimes who’s been there can take you that far down the road?

Justin Donald:

Yes, for sure. Without a doubt out. Yeah, there’s a total compound effect here. You know, take, it’s like baby steps, but at a certain point in time these are exponential steps <affirmative>. And then the more you hang out with people that are bigger thinkers, you’re just naturally gonna become a bigger thinker. The more people think like, hey, instead of trading time for money why don’t I put my capital to work? Why don’t I leverage resources that I have and create income off of those resources? It becomes more normal, less abnormal. And so I just think it’s important and whatever game you’re playing at, you wanna get to the point that money is more of a game to support the ideal life that you have. At a certain point, money is not a game and it is a fight of survival, but you can get to a point where money is much more of a game and when you get there there’s this shift from scarcity and holding onto money really, really tight to letting it go cuz it’s not as big of a deal if something, you know, lose it in an investment because you’re in a place where you can learn from that investment or that lack thereof or that botched idea.

And so I just think when you get to this place of not holding on so tight and being willing to learn the lessons along the way, that there’s a compounding effect there and it’s just a different place to live where you’re gonna have more opportunities, you’re gonna attract more opportunities into your life.

David Richter

And I love that you brought up Keith Cunningham before because if you sit down to do thinking time and you’re not around big thinkers that thinking time might be a waste, you might not be able to think about what will really move the needle forward. But if you’re listening to people like Justin or getting people like him in your life and you’re listening to those concepts, you’re gonna start asking yourself better questions and that thinking time will be better served for you to be able to get you where you really want to be. Cuz life is about asking those questions. So just listen to what Justin is saying, this can literally take you 10 steps down the road from where you are right now today. I just have a couple last questions, Justin, what I wanna ask, one thing is, what’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned either in investing or life up to this point that maybe someone could avoid something down the road and learned from you?

Justin Donald:

When you get to this place of not holding on so tight and being willing to learn the lessons along the way, that there’s a compounding effect there and it’s just a different place to live where you’re gonna have more opportunities, you’re gonna track more opportunities into your life.


If you’re a real estate investor who’s sick and tired of living deal to deal, then welcome home. Hear from everyday real estate investors just like you, and discover how they’ve completely transformed their business by taking a profit First approach. This is the Profit first for REI podcast where we believe revenue is vanity, Profit is sanity. It’s time to start making profit a habit in your business. So here’s your host, David Richter.

David Richter

Man, we have an awesome one. Today we are talking with Justin Donald, the author of The Lifestyle Investor, which if you’ve never read this book, it’s the cool one with a lion on the front. So if you have read this book, it probably stood out to you. And if you haven’t read this book, it’s very easy to recognize it. It’s a bestseller across all the platforms. He’s sold over a hundred thousand copies of this witch being in the book world. I know how difficult that is. But in this episode it gets deep. It goes into what is a time billionaire and how do you get to that place in your life. Talks about his nine-year-old daughter and how that was a catalyst for writing the book and how he passes on the education to her and why, what the whole point of his book was.

And it gets very, very interesting from there as well too because he tells where the proceeds of where the book go because the lifestyle investor is all about getting you out of your rat race and getting into more of a lifestyle of that you love. And then it’s awesome what he tells that all the proceeds of the book go towards. Then he talks about thinking time and that process of how that’s actually helped him put more money in his pocket. So I am super excited for you to listen to Justin. This is a great episode with him and hopefully you enjoy it. Hey everyone, we have him here. We have Justin Donald. A lot of you might know him from his book, The Lifestyle Investor. So Justin, thank you so much for being on here today on the Profit First II podcast.

Justin Donald:

David, I’m excited to be here. Thanks for having me. And I love all the things that you’re doing. The concept of Profit first and the mechanics of how to get there, I think you’re doing great work in the world and having a positive impact. So I appreciate joining and being able to talk about the importance of this concept.

David Richter

Likewise, because in your book you talk about the 10 Commandments of the Lifestyle investor, which is amazing and I want to talk about that first commandment is putting the lifestyle first, making sure, and I think there’s a lot of similarities if you agree between Profit First, making sure that the owner is taken care of and making sure at the beginning that you’re creating the lifestyle from your investments that really create that. So I know we’re just diving right into it, but I’ve been chomping at the bit to ask you these questions. So tell me about that. How did you come up with the 10 Commandments and then talk about that first one because I think it just encapsulates a lot of who you are and how you think.

Justin Donald:

Well, thanks for the kind words and I’m excited to share with you kind of my thought process around it. And the order is important. The reason I start off with the lifestyle investor is that’s good or the book is called The Lifestyle Investor is because I want it to be about the journey of lifestyle, not the journey of investing. And the first commandment being lifestyle first. I want it to support the whole purpose of the book. And for me, the whole purpose of life is to be in control of your time, to be a time billionaire, to really buy your time back and spend it in a way that you see fit using the gifts you’ve been blessed with, the passions that you have in as much quantity of relationship with those that you value most or have the deepest connections with. So yeah, I think the lifestyle portion of it is really important.

And the whole premise of the 10 Commandments for basically the subtitle, the book is The 10 Commandments of Cashflow Investing for Passive Income and Financial Freedom. And these 10 commandments are my criteria. It’s what I look at when I make an investment. So if all them light, if they line up and it’s a 10 for a 10, then I know that that is an investment I want to do. It supports my criteria. Now my criteria might be different than someone else’s, but if you have no criteria, it’s definitely a good place to start. And for me, I believe the foundation of anyone’s portfolio really should be cash flow to cover your lifestyle <affirmative> or at least cash flow to cover your survival income. What does it cost bare minimum for you to survive? You do that, I think you’re gonna be in an incredible head space and you can buy at least some time back to be able to think about long-term what you want and get out of this autopilot of being in a reactionary mode where something happens, you respond.

Most people are just on autopilot through their day a life that is more by default than it is by design. And I wanna help people create this intentionality around what do they want outta life, what do they want out of their relationships? If money was solved for how would you spend your time? So the 10 Commandments were distilled down after looking at a bunch of my investments after the fact and saying, What is it that is in alignment and is the same across the board on each of these investments? And so that’s really where it came from, is starting with the end in mind. The end is the lifestyle that I dream to have and for my family, the lifestyle that we collectively get to have. And then it’s working through the process from there to find the investments that can support that ideal lifestyle.

David Richter

I think that’s why we resonate so much with each other cuz that is a lot of, in the business world and the especially real estate investing world, a lot of people don’t even think of themselves first of I need to make sure that this is fits in with who I am and with what we’re doing. So when you say that a lot of people don’t live with that intentionality, I ask a lot this a lot of times, I only word it a little bit differently in the real estate world, a lot of people live deal to deal, they’re living paycheck to paycheck, but now it’s deal to deal. I need to go get that next deal or I’m out of control or I’m finding fires, I’m not in control of my time. Why do you think a lot of people don’t live with that intentionality or don’t or do live deal to deal or paycheck to paycheck or don’t get off that merry ground ever?

Justin Donald:

Well I think the examples that we have, the majority of people in the society that we live in value this transactional relationship, this trading time for money relationship, getting ahead, moving up the corporate ladder, getting a pay raise getting a better title, having a better job, having a better car or house or whatever the thing is. And I think the danger of that is we can become slaves to the money that we make slaves to the income that we have or that we’re accustomed to or the lifestyle that we’re accustomed to. So as this quality of life increases so does the I guess, dependence on where the income comes from and from the job. And I also think if you don’t fall into that bucket of being a slave to your business or to your job, some people they fall into the bucket of being a slave to certainty and security.

Other people are a slave to maybe routine and what’s normal. They’re afraid to get out of their comfort zone or out of the lane that they know what everything is gonna happen to ’em over the course of a day. And so I just see a lot of people living a life that is not compelling, it’s not inspiring, it’s just, hum, let me go about my day. It’s the same thing I’ve done the last 10, 20, 30 years. And I just think that when people can solve for this equation of money, it costs me $5,000 a month to live or $10,000 a month to live, but I can earn passive income to cover five or 10 or 20 or whatever that number is. Well that opens up this door of amazing choices and when you have more choices, you have better opportunities. And for most people it takes this financial comfort, everything being covered before they can carve out the time to really think to what I learned a long time ago from Keith Cunningham is to block off think time in my schedule.

So every Friday I’ve got two hours that are technology-free, everything’s off. I just think, and that has given me a chance to be proactive, not reactive, to get out of the reactionary mode of life. And I think for most people they don’t carve that place in life until money’s solved for, I don’t think you have to wait till money’s solved for, but most people just have a hard time of creating that space first. So for them, they probably do need it to be solved, to get to where they need to live this life that is truly a life of desire and passion and spending it on the things they truly love and with the people they truly love.

David Richter

Oh man, I love that. Love the Keith Cunningham references too. I mean I love the Road Less Stupid. It’s probably one of the top three business books I’ve ever read, including yours of course, and the one that I’ve wrote. So I absolutely love Keith’s book If listening to this now and haven’t picked up that book Pick Up the Road Less Stupid by Keith Cunningham, he talks about what Justin was just talking about, thinking time and how important that is. You wanna know why Justin’s probably very successful in getting this message out because he thinks about how to get it out there. So absolutely love that, Justin. There were some great tips there and I think this is what everyone’s shooting for. It is why they’re living deal to deal. They just don’t set that time aside to say, How do I get there? What do I need to do to actually get past that point? So I wanna ask you personally, have you had money struggles in the past or been in that low point of where you felt like, Oh man, I just wish I could have lived that next day. Or is there a silver lining to the great clouds outside?

Justin Donald:

Yeah, and I think that my story is very relatable by most people because I had to work for what I had. I got started working in seventh grade because my parents basically said, Hey there is no Bank of Donald, you gotta go make your money. You can’t just rely on us to give you money. So seventh grade I got my first job because I wanted to create some freedom and do some things and have some cash. So I’ve been at a point where I’ve had no money, I’ve also been at a point where I made good money and I spent it all. So I once again had no money. I’ve been at a point where I had a lot of money and I’ve made some poor choices with it. Maybe in some instances poor investments, in other instances maybe I overextended myself. And so it’s been tight.

And then I’ve also lived in this place where I’ve had plenty and where I have been disciplined and where I’ve lived out of this frame of abundant thinking where I just know I’m gonna be able to earn more to solve for whatever it is that I need and I’m not worried about it, I’m worried the worry goes away when you recognize that, when you add enough value, gonna receive compensation. And I do think motive matters. It can’t just be, I mean if you want an equal transactional relationship, I mean you can make that happen. But I think as a person gives of themselves, of their knowledge, of their tools, of their resources, of their network the experience that I’ve gotten is even short term when there wasn’t a benefit on the other side or it wasn’t a reciprocal thing over time, people just really wanna help out when you’ve helped them, they wanna help you.

And I see this play out over decades longer where I forgot that maybe I spent time with someone or shared something or connected them. I have a vague memory or no memory at all, but they wanna say thank you and it’s like, Hey, I got this deal, I wanna show it to you. Or Hey, I need you to meet this person cuz I think they’re a perfect fit for what you’re looking for. And it’s often very serendipitous the way that it all works out. But I think when you add a lot of value and that’s your mission, I think you’re going to inherit a lot of abundance. And for those people that have never had money problems, it’s, it’s a very small percentage of people. I mean maybe if you had the experience of parents that had a trust fund that maybe had some flexible ways of getting cash.

I mean even a lot of kids or people that have trust funds, there’s still these mechanics that don’t allow them access to the capital until a certain age. So most people have this struggle of cash coming in, having enough cash to cover what it is that they need, but you’re just a mindset shift away from this abundant place, this opportunity of never running out and having more than you can ever use. And I think that your relationship impacts that. Your network, the people, your peer group, your mentors, like your relationships with people, I think impact that more than anything else.

David Richter

Man, that was so good that, I don’t know if you have that as a one-liner, but you need to trademark that or something. That mindset shift away your one mindset shift away from abundance. Man, that struck a chord with me. Just if you’re listening to this now, you are one mindset shift away from getting everything that you wanted to get. Whether that is more time freedom, money freedom, whatever, it’s that whatever you are, wherever you are is your one mindset shift away. That was really good. So I’ve got a random question for you, The lion, where did it come from? The logo?

Justin Donald:

Yeah, so one of the things that I wanted to do is I wanted to involve my family in a lot of my decisions. I’ve got a daughter who is nine years old today and the whole genesis of the lifestyle investor, the whole reason I wrote this book because I’ve had friends for years telling me I should write a book and I should come up with a mastermind and have a course and do all this stuff. And I’ve just kind of kicked the can down the road. Never really been committed to it, thinking maybe at some point in my life I would. But I had a really dear friend say to me Justin, what happens if you die and your daughter never learns all these great tools and resources and hacks and this wisdom from a financial and life standpoint, freedom and everything else, what happens?

And that was really a punch to the gut. So the next day I started writing and that’s really what gave me the motivation to do it. So it was more of a legacy piece. I didn’t know if people would buy my book. I didn’t know if people would resonate with my message. So I just took this I drew confidence from the fact that hey, my daughter at some point will read this when she’s older and I hope that it means something to her. I hope it’s important to her. And little did I know that the future iterations of the book would incorporate more things that I’ve done with coaching private clients and different mastermind and all that. And again, I had no idea the first year the book came out, we sold a hundred thousand copies, not even counting like bulk buys or anything like that.

I mean I could have never guessed it, I never would’ve guessed that fit that it would be a number one best seller on all the platforms. And so that came as a shock, a surprise. But in the process, to circle back, to answer your question, in the process of coming up with the logo my daughter and I were reading The Lion, the Witch, Well actually we are reading the Chronicles of Narnia set. So we read, I think it was seven books. And so one of the main characters in Lion Witch in the wardrobe specifically, which we were in right then was Aslin the Lion and the representation of who Aslin was and the meaning there my daughter just felt like that would be a really cool logo. And so I just rolled with it. And so the lion I think has special meaning for us.

And then what has happened since is that people get incorporated into the lifestyle investor network, they become a lion. So if someone is part of the mastermind or a private client which is a long wait list for both, but they are lions inside the network and to have access to all the things, the people, the deals, the experts that’s kind of that tribe of lions. So yeah, it’s kind of a fun thing. My goal is to take people who are not lifestyle investors and convert them to lifestyle investors. And in order to do that, they need to show up and get in the network and become a lion and learn what they need to learn so they can graduate and officially become a lifestyle

David Richter

Investor. Man, that is really good. I love that. I knew, I knew it probably just wasn’t, oh this’ll look cool and you slapped it on there, but cuz it does look very cool and very, very high end and I love all that cuz one of the questions I usually ask people is what do you want to leave as a legacy to your children or what mindsets around money do you want to give them? And I’m assuming your answer would be pick for her to pick up your book and to make sure she’s living by those 10 commandments. Would that be what you would want for her to be passed on for the future and for your legacy?

Justin Donald:

Yeah, certainly. To me the most important thing is the financial education. I actually think money is likely to corrupt someone more than it is to help them. But the tools and concepts around how to think about it, how to earn money, how to value money, how to value your time and comparison to money, I think that is really the wisdom. So I actually don’t want to create this situation where my daughter has an abundance of money at a super young age. I don’t know that that serves her very well, but the education on how she can achieve it for herself and how she can utilize some of the strategies that I’ve utilized. How she can create a soup up whole life program that’s like a bank replacement and use that how she can get into cash flowing, real estate, what you guys do, how she can get into other assets that produce income and appreciate in tandem with the expansion of the monetary supply.

All these things I think are so valuable. She can get out of this framework of scarcity around money and feeling like money doesn’t grow on trees. What a disempowering belief about money that I used to have that my parents told me that I walked around and told people that I’m like, why do I even say this? This is the silliest thing in the world. I actually want to be at the point where money flows abundantly to me. So I think Tony Robbins even says one of his incantations is how money flows abundantly in avalanches to him and something to that degree. And I felt like that’s just such a better place to live in. And so that’s what I want to teach my daughter and others in my community or others that wanna learn the lessons. Because when you’re in a place like that, it’s easier to learn concepts, it’s easier to recognize that there’s a lot to learn versus showing up. You already know everything or that your reality is the actual reality and recognizing that your projections may not be what the real world is. Most of us project our reality and it’s based on faulty beliefs most of the time. And we inherit these beliefs from people that we often don’t even opt into or we subconsciously opt into. And it’s kind of recreating what is actually possible and what is realistic,

David Richter

Right? It is waking up, it’s like waking up from oh yeah, you know what, it doesn’t grow on trees but I want it to fall in avalanches. It’s like I love that it’s that mental shift of from those things that you think about money to where you are now, which is another thing that I love that you brought up. It’s more around the thought process around money than the actual money accumulation. Because like you said, if you’re not a very good person, money’s probably going to just expand that. But if you learn the proper principles of life investing and of money, then those grow as your money grows. And I absolutely love that. That was really, really good stuff. So you are an accomplished author, you are also, you know, train people, you do a lot of, you’re helping people live the lifestyle investor life and actually getting them to where they need to be. They’re becoming the lions, the lions, just like the logo on your book. What would you say over the last, I guess your lifetime since you’ve gone on this journey is one or two keys to your success in creating this and perpetuating it and getting it this message out there.

Justin Donald:

Well one of the things that I say at the end of my podcast every session is I ask my audience, what’s the one step you can take today to move towards financial freedom in a life by design, not by default, a life by your own terms and something that is inspiring and compelling. And so the first thing is just over time, if you have more movement towards your goals, your dreams, financial freedom, ideal lifestyle if you’re just moving that direction with regularity and even if they’re baby steps, it’s okay because there will be a compound effect that happens at a certain point in time versus doing nothing or taking steps away from it. And so it doesn’t have to be a lot of steps. It could be a simple like, hey, invite someone out to coffee who knows more about investing or lifestyle. Maybe they got just a killer lifestyle or an upgraded lifestyle from yours, or maybe they’ve figured out some hacks in the world of investing, take ’em out to coffee.

That is what’s it gonna cost you 10 bucks and do you treat ’em? I think that’s important. And you know, show that you value them for their time. What if you did that once a week? I had a routine of that. That was part of what I did for the whole stretch of a decade plus is I met with one person, well at least one person often was more, but at least one person once a week, week that I didn’t know that had success in some area that was greater than mine. And by the way, at a certain point in my life it was health, it was time management, it was lifestyle, it was financial, it was business, it was entrepreneurship. It’s shifted. But if I can, and this leads to my second point, which is your peer group and your mentors and coaches today we live in a world where everyone is a coach or a life coach, right?

It just doesn’t have the meaning that it once had. I think you gotta pick your coaches wisely and if they haven’t done what you wanna do, they may not be the right person to coach with. So you gotta get real clear on what it is you want and get real clear if the person you’re potentially coaching with has done it or the mentor that you’re gonna work with. I think that’s so important. And then from a peer group standpoint, you become the people you hang out with whether you care to admit it or not. I mean the studies show that so much of mindset, so much of income earning potential and possibility health you name it is really in alignment or in tandem with the five people that you spend the most time with. So if you’re intentional about who you’re spending time with and you’re intentional about a group that is playing the game of life or business or investing at a level that’s higher or more optimized, then your level, then you’re likely gonna move up regularly and you’re gonna adopt this mindset that you may not even feel happening in real time.

It’s a new conditioning of a better and more improved operating system for your mind.

David Richter

I love that because I don’t know about you, but how you end your podcast with the, what’s the one step you can take if most people took that one step and got around the people that have been where they are, that’s usually taking one step that leads you to 10 steps down the road if, do you agree with that, that sometimes who’s been there can take you that far down the road?

Justin Donald:

Yes, for sure. Without a doubt out. Yeah, there’s a total compound effect here. You know, take, it’s like baby steps, but at a certain point in time these are exponential steps <affirmative>. And then the more you hang out with people that are bigger thinkers, you’re just naturally gonna become a bigger thinker. The more people think like, hey, instead of trading time for money why don’t I put my capital to work? Why don’t I leverage resources that I have and create income off of those resources? It becomes more normal, less abnormal. And so I just think it’s important and whatever game you’re playing at, you wanna get to the point that money is more of a game to support the ideal life that you have. At a certain point, money is not a game and it is a fight of survival, but you can get to a point where money is much more of a game and when you get there there’s this shift from scarcity and holding onto money really, really tight to letting it go cuz it’s not as big of a deal if something, you know, lose it in an investment because you’re in a place where you can learn from that investment or that lack thereof or that botched idea.

And so I just think when you get to this place of not holding on so tight and being willing to learn the lessons along the way, that there’s a compounding effect there and it’s just a different place to live where you’re gonna have more opportunities, you’re gonna attract more opportunities into your life.

Justin Donald:

When you get to this place of not holding on so tight and being willing to learn the lessons along the way, that there’s a compounding effect there and it’s just a different place to live where you’re gonna have more opportunities, you’re gonna track more opportunities into your life.


If you’re a real estate investor who’s sick and tired of living deal to deal, then welcome home. Hear from everyday real estate investors just like you, and discover how they’ve completely transformed their business by taking a profit First approach. This is the Profit first for REI podcast where we believe revenue is vanity, Profit is sanity. It’s time to start making profit a habit in your business. So here’s your host, David Richter.

David Richter

Man, we have an awesome one. Today we are talking with Justin Donald, the author of The Lifestyle Investor, which if you’ve never read this book, it’s the cool one with a lion on the front. So if you have read this book, it probably stood out to you. And if you haven’t read this book, it’s very easy to recognize it. It’s a bestseller across all the platforms. He’s sold over a hundred thousand copies of this witch being in the book world. I know how difficult that is. But in this episode it gets deep. It goes into what is a time billionaire and how do you get to that place in your life. Talks about his nine-year-old daughter and how that was a catalyst for writing the book and how he passes on the education to her and why, what the whole point of his book was.

And it gets very, very interesting from there as well too because he tells where the proceeds of where the book go because the lifestyle investor is all about getting you out of your rat race and getting into more of a lifestyle of that you love. And then it’s awesome what he tells that all the proceeds of the book go towards. Then he talks about thinking time and that process of how that’s actually helped him put more money in his pocket. So I am super excited for you to listen to Justin. This is a great episode with him and hopefully you enjoy it. Hey everyone, we have him here. We have Justin Donald. A lot of you might know him from his book, The Lifestyle Investor. So Justin, thank you so much for being on here today on the Profit First II podcast.

Justin Donald:

David, I’m excited to be here. Thanks for having me. And I love all the things that you’re doing. The concept of Profit first and the mechanics of how to get there, I think you’re doing great work in the world and having a positive impact. So I appreciate joining and being able to talk about the importance of this concept.

David Richter

Likewise, because in your book you talk about the 10 Commandments of the Lifestyle investor, which is amazing and I want to talk about that first commandment is putting the lifestyle first, making sure, and I think there’s a lot of similarities if you agree between Profit First, making sure that the owner is taken care of and making sure at the beginning that you’re creating the lifestyle from your investments that really create that. So I know we’re just diving right into it, but I’ve been chomping at the bit to ask you these questions. So tell me about that. How did you come up with the 10 Commandments and then talk about that first one because I think it just encapsulates a lot of who you are and how you think.

Justin Donald:

Well, thanks for the kind words and I’m excited to share with you kind of my thought process around it. And the order is important. The reason I start off with the lifestyle investor is that’s good or the book is called The Lifestyle Investor is because I want it to be about the journey of lifestyle, not the journey of investing. And the first commandment being lifestyle first. I want it to support the whole purpose of the book. And for me, the whole purpose of life is to be in control of your time, to be a time billionaire, to really buy your time back and spend it in a way that you see fit using the gifts you’ve been blessed with, the passions that you have in as much quantity of relationship with those that you value most or have the deepest connections with. So yeah, I think the lifestyle portion of it is really important.

And the whole premise of the 10 Commandments for basically the subtitle, the book is The 10 Commandments of Cashflow Investing for Passive Income and Financial Freedom. And these 10 commandments are my criteria. It’s what I look at when I make an investment. So if all them light, if they line up and it’s a 10 for a 10, then I know that that is an investment I want to do. It supports my criteria. Now my criteria might be different than someone else’s, but if you have no criteria, it’s definitely a good place to start. And for me, I believe the foundation of anyone’s portfolio really should be cash flow to cover your lifestyle <affirmative> or at least cash flow to cover your survival income. What does it cost bare minimum for you to survive? You do that, I think you’re gonna be in an incredible head space and you can buy at least some time back to be able to think about long-term what you want and get out of this autopilot of being in a reactionary mode where something happens, you respond.

Most people are just on autopilot through their day a life that is more by default than it is by design. And I wanna help people create this intentionality around what do they want outta life, what do they want out of their relationships? If money was solved for how would you spend your time? So the 10 Commandments were distilled down after looking at a bunch of my investments after the fact and saying, What is it that is in alignment and is the same across the board on each of these investments? And so that’s really where it came from, is starting with the end in mind. The end is the lifestyle that I dream to have and for my family, the lifestyle that we collectively get to have. And then it’s working through the process from there to find the investments that can support that ideal lifestyle.

David Richter

I think that’s why we resonate so much with each other cuz that is a lot of, in the business world and the especially real estate investing world, a lot of people don’t even think of themselves first of I need to make sure that this is fits in with who I am and with what we’re doing. So when you say that a lot of people don’t live with that intentionality, I ask a lot this a lot of times, I only word it a little bit differently in the real estate world, a lot of people live deal to deal, they’re living paycheck to paycheck, but now it’s deal to deal. I need to go get that next deal or I’m out of control or I’m finding fires, I’m not in control of my time. Why do you think a lot of people don’t live with that intentionality or don’t or do live deal to deal or paycheck to paycheck or don’t get off that merry ground ever?

Justin Donald:

Well I think the examples that we have, the majority of people in the society that we live in value this transactional relationship, this trading time for money relationship, getting ahead, moving up the corporate ladder, getting a pay raise getting a better title, having a better job, having a better car or house or whatever the thing is. And I think the danger of that is we can become slaves to the money that we make slaves to the income that we have or that we’re accustomed to or the lifestyle that we’re accustomed to. So as this quality of life increases so does the I guess, dependence on where the income comes from and from the job. And I also think if you don’t fall into that bucket of being a slave to your business or to your job, some people they fall into the bucket of being a slave to certainty and security.

Other people are a slave to maybe routine and what’s normal. They’re afraid to get out of their comfort zone or out of the lane that they know what everything is gonna happen to ’em over the course of a day. And so I just see a lot of people living a life that is not compelling, it’s not inspiring, it’s just, hum, let me go about my day. It’s the same thing I’ve done the last 10, 20, 30 years. And I just think that when people can solve for this equation of money, it costs me $5,000 a month to live or $10,000 a month to live, but I can earn passive income to cover five or 10 or 20 or whatever that number is. Well that opens up this door of amazing choices and when you have more choices, you have better opportunities. And for most people it takes this financial comfort, everything being covered before they can carve out the time to really think to what I learned a long time ago from Keith Cunningham is to block off think time in my schedule.

So every Friday I’ve got two hours that are technology-free, everything’s off. I just think, and that has given me a chance to be proactive, not reactive, to get out of the reactionary mode of life. And I think for most people they don’t carve that place in life until money’s solved for, I don’t think you have to wait till money’s solved for, but most people just have a hard time of creating that space first. So for them, they probably do need it to be solved, to get to where they need to live this life that is truly a life of desire and passion and spending it on the things they truly love and with the people they truly love.

David Richter

Oh man, I love that. Love the Keith Cunningham references too. I mean I love the Road Less Stupid. It’s probably one of the top three business books I’ve ever read, including yours of course, and the one that I’ve wrote. So I absolutely love Keith’s book If listening to this now and haven’t picked up that book Pick Up the Road Less Stupid by Keith Cunningham, he talks about what Justin was just talking about, thinking time and how important that is. You wanna know why Justin’s probably very successful in getting this message out because he thinks about how to get it out there. So absolutely love that, Justin. There were some great tips there and I think this is what everyone’s shooting for. It is why they’re living deal to deal. They just don’t set that time aside to say, How do I get there? What do I need to do to actually get past that point? So I wanna ask you personally, have you had money struggles in the past or been in that low point of where you felt like, Oh man, I just wish I could have lived that next day. Or is there a silver lining to the great clouds outside?

Justin Donald:

Yeah, and I think that my story is very relatable by most people because I had to work for what I had. I got started working in seventh grade because my parents basically said, Hey there is no Bank of Donald, you gotta go make your money. You can’t just rely on us to give you money. So seventh grade I got my first job because I wanted to create some freedom and do some things and have some cash. So I’ve been at a point where I’ve had no money, I’ve also been at a point where I made good money and I spent it all. So I once again had no money. I’ve been at a point where I had a lot of money and I’ve made some poor choices with it. Maybe in some instances poor investments, in other instances maybe I overextended myself. And so it’s been tight.

And then I’ve also lived in this place where I’ve had plenty and where I have been disciplined and where I’ve lived out of this frame of abundant thinking where I just know I’m gonna be able to earn more to solve for whatever it is that I need and I’m not worried about it, I’m worried the worry goes away when you recognize that, when you add enough value, gonna receive compensation. And I do think motive matters. It can’t just be, I mean if you want an equal transactional relationship, I mean you can make that happen. But I think as a person gives of themselves, of their knowledge, of their tools, of their resources, of their network the experience that I’ve gotten is even short term when there wasn’t a benefit on the other side or it wasn’t a reciprocal thing over time, people just really wanna help out when you’ve helped them, they wanna help you.

And I see this play out over decades longer where I forgot that maybe I spent time with someone or shared something or connected them. I have a vague memory or no memory at all, but they wanna say thank you and it’s like, Hey, I got this deal, I wanna show it to you. Or Hey, I need you to meet this person cuz I think they’re a perfect fit for what you’re looking for. And it’s often very serendipitous the way that it all works out. But I think when you add a lot of value and that’s your mission, I think you’re going to inherit a lot of abundance. And for those people that have never had money problems, it’s, it’s a very small percentage of people. I mean maybe if you had the experience of parents that had a trust fund that maybe had some flexible ways of getting cash.

I mean even a lot of kids or people that have trust funds, there’s still these mechanics that don’t allow them access to the capital until a certain age. So most people have this struggle of cash coming in, having enough cash to cover what it is that they need, but you’re just a mindset shift away from this abundant place, this opportunity of never running out and having more than you can ever use. And I think that your relationship impacts that. Your network, the people, your peer group, your mentors, like your relationships with people, I think impact that more than anything else.

David Richter

Man, that was so good that, I don’t know if you have that as a one-liner, but you need to trademark that or something. That mindset shift away your one mindset shift away from abundance. Man, that struck a chord with me. Just if you’re listening to this now, you are one mindset shift away from getting everything that you wanted to get. Whether that is more time freedom, money freedom, whatever, it’s that whatever you are, wherever you are is your one mindset shift away. That was really good. So I’ve got a random question for you, The lion, where did it come from? The logo?

Justin Donald:

Yeah, so one of the things that I wanted to do is I wanted to involve my family in a lot of my decisions. I’ve got a daughter who is nine years old today and the whole genesis of the lifestyle investor, the whole reason I wrote this book because I’ve had friends for years telling me I should write a book and I should come up with a mastermind and have a course and do all this stuff. And I’ve just kind of kicked the can down the road. Never really been committed to it, thinking maybe at some point in my life I would. But I had a really dear friend say to me Justin, what happens if you die and your daughter never learns all these great tools and resources and hacks and this wisdom from a financial and life standpoint, freedom and everything else, what happens?

And that was really a punch to the gut. So the next day I started writing and that’s really what gave me the motivation to do it. So it was more of a legacy piece. I didn’t know if people would buy my book. I didn’t know if people would resonate with my message. So I just took this I drew confidence from the fact that hey, my daughter at some point will read this when she’s older and I hope that it means something to her. I hope it’s important to her. And little did I know that the future iterations of the book would incorporate more things that I’ve done with coaching private clients and different mastermind and all that. And again, I had no idea the first year the book came out, we sold a hundred thousand copies, not even counting like bulk buys or anything like that.

I mean I could have never guessed it, I never would’ve guessed that fit that it would be a number one best seller on all the platforms. And so that came as a shock, a surprise. But in the process, to circle back, to answer your question, in the process of coming up with the logo my daughter and I were reading The Lion, the Witch, Well actually we are reading the Chronicles of Narnia set. So we read, I think it was seven books. And so one of the main characters in Lion Witch in the wardrobe specifically, which we were in right then was Aslin the Lion and the representation of who Aslin was and the meaning there my daughter just felt like that would be a really cool logo. And so I just rolled with it. And so the lion I think has special meaning for us.

And then what has happened since is that people get incorporated into the lifestyle investor network, they become a lion. So if someone is part of the mastermind or a private client which is a long wait list for both, but they are lions inside the network and to have access to all the things, the people, the deals, the experts that’s kind of that tribe of lions. So yeah, it’s kind of a fun thing. My goal is to take people who are not lifestyle investors and convert them to lifestyle investors. And in order to do that, they need to show up and get in the network and become a lion and learn what they need to learn so they can graduate and officially become a lifestyle

David Richter

Investor. Man, that is really good. I love that. I knew, I knew it probably just wasn’t, oh this’ll look cool and you slapped it on there, but cuz it does look very cool and very, very high end and I love all that cuz one of the questions I usually ask people is what do you want to leave as a legacy to your children or what mindsets around money do you want to give them? And I’m assuming your answer would be pick for her to pick up your book and to make sure she’s living by those 10 commandments. Would that be what you would want for her to be passed on for the future and for your legacy?

Justin Donald:

Yeah, certainly. To me the most important thing is the financial education. I actually think money is likely to corrupt someone more than it is to help them. But the tools and concepts around how to think about it, how to earn money, how to value money, how to value your time and comparison to money, I think that is really the wisdom. So I actually don’t want to create this situation where my daughter has an abundance of money at a super young age. I don’t know that that serves her very well, but the education on how she can achieve it for herself and how she can utilize some of the strategies that I’ve utilized. How she can create a soup up whole life program that’s like a bank replacement and use that how she can get into cash flowing, real estate, what you guys do, how she can get into other assets that produce income and appreciate in tandem with the expansion of the monetary supply.

All these things I think are so valuable. She can get out of this framework of scarcity around money and feeling like money doesn’t grow on trees. What a disempowering belief about money that I used to have that my parents told me that I walked around and told people that I’m like, why do I even say this? This is the silliest thing in the world. I actually want to be at the point where money flows abundantly to me. So I think Tony Robbins even says one of his incantations is how money flows abundantly in avalanches to him and something to that degree. And I felt like that’s just such a better place to live in. And so that’s what I want to teach my daughter and others in my community or others that wanna learn the lessons. Because when you’re in a place like that, it’s easier to learn concepts, it’s easier to recognize that there’s a lot to learn versus showing up. You already know everything or that your reality is the actual reality and recognizing that your projections may not be what the real world is. Most of us project our reality and it’s based on faulty beliefs most of the time. And we inherit these beliefs from people that we often don’t even opt into or we subconsciously opt into. And it’s kind of recreating what is actually possible and what is realistic,

David Richter

Right? It is waking up, it’s like waking up from oh yeah, you know what, it doesn’t grow on trees but I want it to fall in avalanches. It’s like I love that it’s that mental shift of from those things that you think about money to where you are now, which is another thing that I love that you brought up. It’s more around the thought process around money than the actual money accumulation. Because like you said, if you’re not a very good person, money’s probably going to just expand that. But if you learn the proper principles of life investing and of money, then those grow as your money grows. And I absolutely love that. That was really, really good stuff. So you are an accomplished author, you are also, you know, train people, you do a lot of, you’re helping people live the lifestyle investor life and actually getting them to where they need to be. They’re becoming the lions, the lions, just like the logo on your book. What would you say over the last, I guess your lifetime since you’ve gone on this journey is one or two keys to your success in creating this and perpetuating it and getting it this message out there.

Justin Donald:

Well one of the things that I say at the end of my podcast every session is I ask my audience, what’s the one step you can take today to move towards financial freedom in a life by design, not by default, a life by your own terms and something that is inspiring and compelling. And so the first thing is just over time, if you have more movement towards your goals, your dreams, financial freedom, ideal lifestyle if you’re just moving that direction with regularity and even if they’re baby steps, it’s okay because there will be a compound effect that happens at a certain point in time versus doing nothing or taking steps away from it. And so it doesn’t have to be a lot of steps. It could be a simple like, hey, invite someone out to coffee who knows more about investing or lifestyle. Maybe they got just a killer lifestyle or an upgraded lifestyle from yours, or maybe they’ve figured out some hacks in the world of investing, take ’em out to coffee.

That is what’s it gonna cost you 10 bucks and do you treat ’em? I think that’s important. And you know, show that you value them for their time. What if you did that once a week? I had a routine of that. That was part of what I did for the whole stretch of a decade plus is I met with one person, well at least one person often was more, but at least one person once a week, week that I didn’t know that had success in some area that was greater than mine. And by the way, at a certain point in my life it was health, it was time management, it was lifestyle, it was financial, it was business, it was entrepreneurship. It’s shifted. But if I can, and this leads to my second point, which is your peer group and your mentors and coaches today we live in a world where everyone is a coach or a life coach, right?

It just doesn’t have the meaning that it once had. I think you gotta pick your coaches wisely and if they haven’t done what you wanna do, they may not be the right person to coach with. So you gotta get real clear on what it is you want and get real clear if the person you’re potentially coaching with has done it or the mentor that you’re gonna work with. I think that’s so important. And then from a peer group standpoint, you become the people you hang out with whether you care to admit it or not. I mean the studies show that so much of mindset, so much of income earning potential and possibility health you name it is really in alignment or in tandem with the five people that you spend the most time with. So if you’re intentional about who you’re spending time with and you’re intentional about a group that is playing the game of life or business or investing at a level that’s higher or more optimized, then your level, then you’re likely gonna move up regularly and you’re gonna adopt this mindset that you may not even feel happening in real time.

It’s a new conditioning of a better and more improved operating system for your mind.

David Richter

I love that because I don’t know about you, but how you end your podcast with the, what’s the one step you can take if most people took that one step and got around the people that have been where they are, that’s usually taking one step that leads you to 10 steps down the road if, do you agree with that, that sometimes who’s been there can take you that far down the road?

Justin Donald:

Yes, for sure. Without a doubt out. Yeah, there’s a total compound effect here. You know, take, it’s like baby steps, but at a certain point in time these are exponential steps <affirmative>. And then the more you hang out with people that are bigger thinkers, you’re just naturally gonna become a bigger thinker. The more people think like, hey, instead of trading time for money why don’t I put my capital to work? Why don’t I leverage resources that I have and create income off of those resources? It becomes more normal, less abnormal. And so I just think it’s important and whatever game you’re playing at, you wanna get to the point that money is more of a game to support the ideal life that you have. At a certain point, money is not a game and it is a fight of survival, but you can get to a point where money is much more of a game and when you get there there’s this shift from scarcity and holding onto money really, really tight to letting it go cuz it’s not as big of a deal if something, you know, lose it in an investment because you’re in a place where you can learn from that investment or that lack thereof or that botched idea.

And so I just think when you get to this place of not holding on so tight and being willing to learn the lessons along the way, that there’s a compounding effect there and it’s just a different place to live where you’re gonna have more opportunities, you’re gonna attract more opportunities into your life.

David Richter

And I love that you brought up Keith Cunningham before because if you sit down to do thinking time and you’re not around big thinkers that thinking time might be a waste, you might not be able to think about what will really move the needle forward. But if you’re listening to people like Justin or getting people like him in your life and you’re listening to those concepts, you’re gonna start asking yourself better questions and that thinking time will be better served for you to be able to get you where you really want to be. Cuz life is about asking those questions. So just listen to what Justin is saying, this can literally take you 10 steps down the road from where you are right now today. I just have a couple last questions, Justin, what I wanna ask, one thing is, what’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned either in investing or life up to this point that maybe someone could avoid something down the road and learned from you?

Justin Donald:

Well, I’ve lost money before and it never feels good to lose money no matter what level you’re at. I remember in the first real estate investment I made was my primary residence, but I made that investment into a condo in a mid-rise in Chicago and this was like during the worst time the financial crisis. And man, I bought it the highest prices and then I was upside down and it was a total train wreck. But I learned some great lessons in the moment, it really stunk. But I learned some lessons that have made me a much better investor and I’ve done very well at not repeating those mistakes again. I have not been upside down, I have not had a situation where I tried to rent the home out, but I was at negative cash flow. I mean the list goes on and on of all the mistakes that I made but I learned from ’em and I think that’s important.

So at the time, man, it was tough losing in that case when I sold my home cause I couldn’t keep the negative cash flow going. So when I sold my home, I think I had to come to the table, the $120,000. So I was upside down. It was rough and I wasn’t able to sell my home for a long time because I didn’t even have that money to come to the table with. So I just kept losing money every month, <laugh> from what the cost of my mortgage and the association fees and all this stuff to what I could actually rent my place out for. So great lesson learned. And I’ve had other investments. I mean I invested in a Ponzi scheme once that I outlined in my book and that one was like a punch to the gut. But since then I haven’t invested in any Ponzi schemes. Maybe I do again in the future, but I think it’s less likely. And I think that because of those two big mistakes, I learned some valuable insights that have allowed me to make better decisions moving forward. And I’ve had some big wins because of that too. So again, in the moment it’s painful, but in the future, as long as you learn that lesson, you can make such a better return once you understand these things where it made it so you didn’t get a good return,

David Richter

Right? Oh man, it is those harvest lessons learned where you do usually learn the most. And it sounds like you’ve had a couple of those hard lessons. So for anyone listening, pick up Justin’s book, pick up the lifestyle investor, read about some of those mistakes and read about how to get on the right track as well too and getting in that right lifestyle. I mean, you’re listening to this podcast cuz you like profit first. Profit first is always making sure that you are healthy as an individual and healthy as a business owner to be able to have that lifestyle. So it goes right along with this and I would highly recommend it for anyone listening to this podcast. So this has been incredible. You’ve provided a ton of value, Justin, on this episode. So now I always like to ask at the end of my show, is there any way the listeners could provide value back to you? What do you have going on? How can they connect Instagram, Facebook, or whatever you want to, you want to tell the world right now?

Justin Donald:

Sure, I mean I’m on all social media channels or most of them and I think that one thing I would like to do is I’d like to offer anyone in your audience free copy of the book. They just have to pay for shipping. So if you go to lifestyle investor, you can get a free copy of it and that’ll be sent out and there’s some other free stuff that we send with it. And for anyone that does just go to Amazon and buy it, that’s also fine. All the proceeds of my book go to an organization called Love Justice International. They stop human trafficking in 24 countries around the world. It’s just a great group. So I want the education of my book to help people buy financial freedom, but I want the proceeds of the book to buy actual freedom. So that’s important to me.

If you’re interested in just learning more, if you go to, I’ve got all kinds of stuff on there. I’ve got a blog, I’ve got a podcast, those are obviously free. If you join my email list, you get the 10 commandments and some other cool stuff. And then I’ve got an online course, a couple different master classes, one on mobile home park investing, one on passive income which is a comprehensive full day session distilled down into an on-demand recording. We’ve got a mastermind that is a waitlist opportunity right now. We’ve got 60 some odd people on the waitlist. But for the right person for the right fit, there’s a long application process. But for those that fit, it’s a pretty high value for what they get. And then there’s nothing open on the private coaching front, but those are all ways that you can have access to different things that I do, different content. So it scales from free to the cost of an annual membership and everything in between.

David Richter

Awesome. So there you go. And I love, absolutely love what the proceeds are going towards. It sounds like you’re a go giver going out there and really making a difference in the world and with the book and then the proceeds for the book too. And I love what you said there by an actual freedom. So this has been an awesome episode because we talked about, I love at the beginning you talked about being a time billionaire. We talked about if money, how if you spend it and how you actually use it is different than what the money actually does for you. And money can corrupt you, but how you think about it, that thinking process, I love talking about Keith Cunningham and the actual thinking process time that you have every single week on Fridays and then the first step always making sure you’re moving towards that goal and then getting good people around you that’ll help you exponentially get to where you wanna be.

This has been awesome. So this has been incredible here. So if you are a real estate investor, you’re listening to this right now and you’re tired of living deal to deal or you aren’t a lifestyle investor yet because you can’t seem to make that profit, you can also head over to simple CFO, our company. We can schedule a call there if we’re not the right fit. Maybe you need someone like Justin in your life or maybe we ping it to someone else in our network, but it’s no obligation. Call just to see where you are and see if we can help you. Would love to help you get to where you can actually make a profit and be that lifestyle investor. Thank you so much for wishing. Remember, start making profit a Habit in your business.


This episode of The Profit First for REI podcast is over, but there are plenty more where that came from. Are you ready to learn how David and his team can help implement the Profit First system in your business? Schedule a discovery right now. We’ll see you next time on The Profit First for REI podcast with David Richter.

And I love that you brought up Keith Cunningham before because if you sit down to do thinking time and you’re not around big thinkers that thinking time might be a waste, you might not be able to think about what will really move the needle forward. But if you’re listening to people like Justin or getting people like him in your life and you’re listening to those concepts, you’re gonna start asking yourself better questions and that thinking time will be better served for you to be able to get you where you really want to be. Cuz life is about asking those questions. So just listen to what Justin is saying, this can literally take you 10 steps down the road from where you are right now today. I just have a couple last questions, Justin, what I wanna ask, one thing is, what’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned either in investing or life up to this point that maybe someone could avoid something down the road and learned from you?

Justin Donald:

Well, I’ve lost money before and it never feels good to lose money no matter what level you’re at. I remember in the first real estate investment I made was my primary residence, but I made that investment into a condo in a mid-rise in Chicago and this was like during the worst time the financial crisis. And man, I bought it the highest prices and then I was upside down and it was a total train wreck. But I learned some great lessons in the moment, it really stunk. But I learned some lessons that have made me a much better investor and I’ve done very well at not repeating those mistakes again. I have not been upside down, I have not had a situation where I tried to rent the home out, but I was at negative cash flow. I mean the list goes on and on of all the mistakes that I made but I learned from ’em and I think that’s important.

So at the time, man, it was tough losing in that case when I sold my home cause I couldn’t keep the negative cash flow going. So when I sold my home, I think I had to come to the table, the $120,000. So I was upside down. It was rough and I wasn’t able to sell my home for a long time because I didn’t even have that money to come to the table with. So I just kept losing money every month, <laugh> from what the cost of my mortgage and the association fees and all this stuff to what I could actually rent my place out for. So great lesson learned. And I’ve had other investments. I mean I invested in a Ponzi scheme once that I outlined in my book and that one was like a punch to the gut. But since then I haven’t invested in any Ponzi schemes. Maybe I do again in the future, but I think it’s less likely. And I think that because of those two big mistakes, I learned some valuable insights that have allowed me to make better decisions moving forward. And I’ve had some big wins because of that too. So again, in the moment it’s painful, but in the future, as long as you learn that lesson, you can make such a better return once you understand these things where it made it so you didn’t get a good return,

David Richter

Right? Oh man, it is those harvest lessons learned where you do usually learn the most. And it sounds like you’ve had a couple of those hard lessons. So for anyone listening, pick up Justin’s book, pick up the lifestyle investor, read about some of those mistakes and read about how to get on the right track as well too and getting in that right lifestyle. I mean, you’re listening to this podcast cuz you like profit first. Profit first is always making sure that you are healthy as an individual and healthy as a business owner to be able to have that lifestyle. So it goes right along with this and I would highly recommend it for anyone listening to this podcast. So this has been incredible. You’ve provided a ton of value, Justin, on this episode. So now I always like to ask at the end of my show, is there any way the listeners could provide value back to you? What do you have going on? How can they connect Instagram, Facebook, or whatever you want to, you want to tell the world right now?

Justin Donald:

Sure, I mean I’m on all social media channels or most of them and I think that one thing I would like to do is I’d like to offer anyone in your audience free copy of the book. They just have to pay for shipping. So if you go to lifestyle investor, you can get a free copy of it and that’ll be sent out and there’s some other free stuff that we send with it. And for anyone that does just go to Amazon and buy it, that’s also fine. All the proceeds of my book go to an organization called Love Justice International. They stop human trafficking in 24 countries around the world. It’s just a great group. So I want the education of my book to help people buy financial freedom, but I want the proceeds of the book to buy actual freedom. So that’s important to me.

If you’re interested in just learning more, if you go to, I’ve got all kinds of stuff on there. I’ve got a blog, I’ve got a podcast, those are obviously free. If you join my email list, you get the 10 commandments and some other cool stuff. And then I’ve got an online course, a couple different master classes, one on mobile home park investing, one on passive income which is a comprehensive full day session distilled down into an on-demand recording. We’ve got a mastermind that is a waitlist opportunity right now. We’ve got 60 some odd people on the waitlist. But for the right person for the right fit, there’s a long application process. But for those that fit, it’s a pretty high value for what they get. And then there’s nothing open on the private coaching front, but those are all ways that you can have access to different things that I do, different content. So it scales from free to the cost of an annual membership and everything in between.

David Richter

Awesome. So there you go. And I love, absolutely love what the proceeds are going towards. It sounds like you’re a go giver going out there and really making a difference in the world and with the book and then the proceeds for the book too. And I love what you said there by an actual freedom. So this has been an awesome episode because we talked about, I love at the beginning you talked about being a time billionaire. We talked about if money, how if you spend it and how you actually use it is different than what the money actually does for you. And money can corrupt you, but how you think about it, that thinking process, I love talking about Keith Cunningham and the actual thinking process time that you have every single week on Fridays and then the first step always making sure you’re moving towards that goal and then getting good people around you that’ll help you exponentially get to where you wanna be.

This has been awesome. So this has been incredible here. So if you are a real estate investor, you’re listening to this right now and you’re tired of living deal to deal or you aren’t a lifestyle investor yet because you can’t seem to make that profit, you can also head over to simple CFO, our company. We can schedule a call there if we’re not the right fit. Maybe you need someone like Justin in your life or maybe we ping it to someone else in our network, but it’s no obligation. Call just to see where you are and see if we can help you. Would love to help you get to where you can actually make a profit and be that lifestyle investor. Thank you so much for wishing. Remember, start making profit a Habit in your business.


This episode of The Profit First for REI podcast is over, but there are plenty more where that came from. Are you ready to learn how David and his team can help implement the Profit First system in your business? Schedule a discovery right now. We’ll see you next time on The Profit First for REI podcast with David Richter.

Well, I’ve lost money before and it never feels good to lose money no matter what level you’re at. I remember in the first real estate investment I made was my primary residence, but I made that investment into a condo in a mid-rise in Chicago and this was like during the worst time the financial crisis. And man, I bought it the highest prices and then I was upside down and it was a total train wreck. But I learned some great lessons in the moment, it really stunk. But I learned some lessons that have made me a much better investor and I’ve done very well at not repeating those mistakes again. I have not been upside down, I have not had a situation where I tried to rent the home out, but I was at negative cash flow. I mean the list goes on and on of all the mistakes that I made but I learned from ’em and I think that’s important.

So at the time, man, it was tough losing in that case when I sold my home cause I couldn’t keep the negative cash flow going. So when I sold my home, I think I had to come to the table, the $120,000. So I was upside down. It was rough and I wasn’t able to sell my home for a long time because I didn’t even have that money to come to the table with. So I just kept losing money every month, <laugh> from what the cost of my mortgage and the association fees and all this stuff to what I could actually rent my place out for. So great lesson learned. And I’ve had other investments. I mean I invested in a Ponzi scheme once that I outlined in my book and that one was like a punch to the gut. But since then I haven’t invested in any Ponzi schemes. Maybe I do again in the future, but I think it’s less likely. And I think that because of those two big mistakes, I learned some valuable insights that have allowed me to make better decisions moving forward. And I’ve had some big wins because of that too. So again, in the moment it’s painful, but in the future, as long as you learn that lesson, you can make such a better return once you understand these things where it made it so you didn’t get a good return,

David Richter

Right? Oh man, it is those harvest lessons learned where you do usually learn the most. And it sounds like you’ve had a couple of those hard lessons. So for anyone listening, pick up Justin’s book, pick up the lifestyle investor, read about some of those mistakes and read about how to get on the right track as well too and getting in that right lifestyle. I mean, you’re listening to this podcast cuz you like profit first. Profit first is always making sure that you are healthy as an individual and healthy as a business owner to be able to have that lifestyle. So it goes right along with this and I would highly recommend it for anyone listening to this podcast. So this has been incredible. You’ve provided a ton of value, Justin, on this episode. So now I always like to ask at the end of my show, is there any way the listeners could provide value back to you? What do you have going on? How can they connect Instagram, Facebook, or whatever you want to, you want to tell the world right now?

Justin Donald:

Sure, I mean I’m on all social media channels or most of them and I think that one thing I would like to do is I’d like to offer anyone in your audience free copy of the book. They just have to pay for shipping. So if you go to lifestyle investor, you can get a free copy of it and that’ll be sent out and there’s some other free stuff that we send with it. And for anyone that does just go to Amazon and buy it, that’s also fine. All the proceeds of my book go to an organization called Love Justice International. They stop human trafficking in 24 countries around the world. It’s just a great group. So I want the education of my book to help people buy financial freedom, but I want the proceeds of the book to buy actual freedom. So that’s important to me.

If you’re interested in just learning more, if you go to, I’ve got all kinds of stuff on there. I’ve got a blog, I’ve got a podcast, those are obviously free. If you join my email list, you get the 10 commandments and some other cool stuff. And then I’ve got an online course, a couple different master classes, one on mobile home park investing, one on passive income which is a comprehensive full day session distilled down into an on-demand recording. We’ve got a mastermind that is a waitlist opportunity right now. We’ve got 60 some odd people on the waitlist. But for the right person for the right fit, there’s a long application process. But for those that fit, it’s a pretty high value for what they get. And then there’s nothing open on the private coaching front, but those are all ways that you can have access to different things that I do, different content. So it scales from free to the cost of an annual membership and everything in between.

David Richter

Awesome. So there you go. And I love, absolutely love what the proceeds are going towards. It sounds like you’re a go giver going out there and really making a difference in the world and with the book and then the proceeds for the book too. And I love what you said there by an actual freedom. So this has been an awesome episode because we talked about, I love at the beginning you talked about being a time billionaire. We talked about if money, how if you spend it and how you actually use it is different than what the money actually does for you. And money can corrupt you, but how you think about it, that thinking process, I love talking about Keith Cunningham and the actual thinking process time that you have every single week on Fridays and then the first step always making sure you’re moving towards that goal and then getting good people around you that’ll help you exponentially get to where you wanna be.

This has been awesome. So this has been incredible here. So if you are a real estate investor, you’re listening to this right now and you’re tired of living deal to deal or you aren’t a lifestyle investor yet because you can’t seem to make that profit, you can also head over to simple CFO, our company. We can schedule a call there if we’re not the right fit. Maybe you need someone like Justin in your life or maybe we ping it to someone else in our network, but it’s no obligation. Call just to see where you are and see if we can help you. Would love to help you get to where you can actually make a profit and be that lifestyle investor. Thank you so much for wishing. Remember, start making profit a Habit in your business.


This episode of The Profit First for REI podcast is over, but there are plenty more where that came from. Are you ready to learn how David and his team can help implement the Profit First system in your business? Schedule a discovery call at right now. We’ll see you next time on The Profit First for REI podcast with David Richter.

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