Profit first for
rei Podcast
Learn to Master Real Estate Financial Management
Unshackling Entrepreneurship: Finding Freedom Beyond Financial Success
Title: “Unshackling Entrepreneurship: Finding Freedom Beyond Financial Success” Episode: 222 “People become entrepreneurs because they want freedom, they want control. What happens is typically, the profession and the phase to ...
Balancing Business and Family: Lindsay Sharma’s Path to Financial Clarity
Title: “Balancing Business and Family: Lindsay Sharma’s Path to Financial Clarity” Episode: 221 This episode of Profit First for REI podcast will give you more hope. Wherever you are now, ...
Real Wealth Network: Building a Community of Real Estate Investors with Kathy Fettke
Title: “Real Wealth Network: Building a Community of Real Estate Investors with Kathy Fettke” Episode: 220 “Understand what you are trying to achieve and stick with it because it’s easy ...
Insider Insights: Mathew Pezon Shares Secrets to Profit First Mastery
Title: “Insider Insights: Mathew Pezon Shares Secrets to Profit First Mastery” Episode: 219 “If I would have implemented Profit First sooner, I would have realized the potential that the business ...
Building a Thriving Real Estate Business with Supercharged Offers
Title: “Building a Thriving Real Estate Business with Supercharged Offers” Episode: 218 In this episode of Profit First for REI podcast, we have Alicia Jarrett. She is the co-founder at ...
From Intent to Impact: Strategies for Successful Real Estate Transactions
Title: “From Intent to Impact: Strategies for Successful Real Estate Transactions” Episode: 217 Are you having trouble connecting with people? Do you have sellers ghosting you? Our guests for today ...
Achieving Balance and Prosperity: The Entrepreneur Freedom Formula Revealed
Title: “Achieving Balance and Prosperity: The Entrepreneur Freedom Formula Revealed” Episode: 216 There are three things all investors need, and all business owners need to protect to build the company ...